Next Meeting: Wed. Apr 2, 2025 @ 7:30 pm on Zoom

Murder in Cayoosh - part 2
The full story of Morris Price and his brothers, the St Loskys
By David Scriven
In our February meeting I told the story of Jacob St Losky who stated that he was Morris Price’s brother and was appointed administrator of Morris’s estate. I also discussed Samuel St Losky, a presumed relative of Jacob, but said and knew very little about the life of Morris Price and was unable to confirm that Jacob and Morris were brothers. The day after my talk a member of our group contacted me with information about Morris that enabled me to track him from his arrival in the United States until his death in Cayoosh. It also allowed me to connect Morris to the St Losky brothers and learn something about their life in America before they adopted their pseudonym.
Morris Price was a pedlar, merchant and frontiersman. He lived in at least four Western gold rush towns and met his untimely end in the last one, Cayoosh. The talk will begin with a recap of what was presented in February before describing our new findings.
David Scriven is a scientist recently retired from UBC and long-time member of the JGSBC.
The Jewish Genealogical Society of British Columbia (JGSBC), a non-profit organization, brings together people who are interested in pursuing their Jewish ancestry or family history. Together with the Jewish Museum and Archives of BC we try to restore the history and family links that time has erased.
While there are many resources available on the internet, their use does require some skill and training. Many traps await the unwary: name changes, spelling errors, the same name for two different people, the many vagaries of census takers, clerks and other takers of record. The difficult task of digitizing the records has led to other errors creeping in. We will help you to avoid those pitfalls and develop an accurate and descriptive family tree. If you are interested in joining us, you can pay for a yearly membership here. Any questions? – send us an email.
This site also has links to resources (including Jewish newspaper archives) that we have found useful in our research.
JGSBC is a member of the International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies